14/03/2024 - Flagey Brussels - #shegoesict
14/03/2024 - Flagey Brussels - #shegoesict
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Eline Maris

Business Development Manager AI Solutions

Eline Maris is truly a rising tech star who has made significant accomplishments in her career journey. Starting at a young age, she taught herself HTML and CSS at age 12. Though she was passionate about technology, she faced disapproval from classmates for being a ‘nerd’. This caused her to keep that side of herself hidden for years.

Today, she works as a Business Development Manager for AI solutions at Cegeka. She hopes to be recognized as Rising Tech Star of the Year in 2024 to tell her personal story and promote IT and AI in non-technical education to reach more women. She will act as a Women in Tech ambassador at Cegeka this fall to encourage more women to explore technology.

Though Eline originally pursued a teaching degree, she joined Cegeka five years ago as a recruiter. This role helped her encourage more women to enter data and AI fields. A pivotal moment came at the Young Potential Boostcamp in 2023, which inspired her to seize new opportunities and transition into her current role developing AI solutions. She continues to learn and grow every day both technically and with soft skills.

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