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Rein Meirte


Rein Meirte (°1996) is the founder of Clusity, a women-in-tech community, and has 6 years of experience in the industry. She is a social entrepreneur dedicated to driving transformative change in the tech sector by promoting diversity and inclusion.


  • Founded Clusity, a women-in-tech community, fostering innovation and creating a platform to spotlight female talent.
  • Developed an innovative business model centered around the women-in-tech community and launched a digital platform uniting these efforts.
  • Frequently invited to moderate panels or deliver keynotes at various high-profile events, including the European Parliament Pilot Project on the gender gap in investments, ‘She Loves To Code’ workshop, and NiyoFest24.

Inclusion Initiatives:

  • Rein actively works to close the gender gap in technology by inspiring and empowering women to pursue careers in the field.
  • She leads the organization of events, shares role model stories, and co-developed an innovative business model centered around a women-in-tech community.
  • She is working on a pan-European initiative, European Women in Tech, with the goal of gaining EU-wide support for achieving gender balance in the tech industry.


  • Rein’s vision is to inspire 47.000 more women in Belgium to explore the tech industry by 2030.
  • She is dedicated to creating change from both the grassroots and leadership levels through Clusity and its structural partners.

Why she can win:
Rein’s commitment to closing the gender gap in technology through innovative initiatives and impactful leadership makes her a deserving candidate for the Inclusive Tech Champion of the Year award. Her work with Clusity and her dedication to empowering women in the tech sector demonstrate her potential to drive meaningful change.